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Scientists Discover teeth Can Be REGROWN With an Alzheimer’s Drug


Scientists Discover teeth Can Be REGROWN With an Alzheimer’s Drug 

  • Tideglusib, used to treat neurological disorders, could spell the end of fillings
  • Man-made fillings can help temporarily close gaps but never restore the tooth
  • But the drug helps to create a layer of protective material to help the gap regrow
  • This method could also reduce the risk of infections – which fillings are prone to

Just thinking about going to the dentist to have a filling can leave a grown man quaking in fear.

But a new study suggests that those horrific trips could be a thing of the past in the not-so-distant future.

READ: Is Your Workout Not Working? Maybe You’re a Non-Responder 

Instead, scientists have discovered another way to fill-in cavities – relying on an Alzheimer’s disease drug.

Man-made fillings from calcium and silicon-based products can help to temporarily close the gap but never completely restore the tooth, experts say.

However, using Tideglusib, previously used to treat neurological disorders, could now offer a natural solution to help cement the gap.

 fill-in cavities
Scientists have discovered a more natural way to fill-in cavities than using filling – relying instead on an Alzheimer’s disease drug

When a cavity is created, stem cells in the body creates a thin layer of material, known as dentine.

This helps to seal in the tooth but does not repair a large cavity effectively – instead preventing it from completely disintegrating.

ALSO READ:Have Scientists Found Elixir of Youth To Undo Our Wrinkles?

But the natural defence is insufficient in repairing large cavities, instead forcing dental surgeons to use other methods to treat patients.

However, researchers from Kings College London found the drug helped to stimulate dentine in large enough quantities to fight big holes.

 help cement gaps in teeth
Using Tideglusib, previously used to treat neurological disorders, could now offer a natural solution to help cement gaps in teeth (stock)

They used biodegradable collagen sponges to deliver the treatment – applying low doses of the drug to the tooth.

After a short while the sponge degraded – being replaced by the newly created dentine. This lead to a complete and natural repair of the tooth.

This method could reduce the risk of infections – of which fillings are prone to, the study published in the journal Scientific Reports suggests.

And the scientists say this could in turn reduce the need for teeth extractions by cutting the risk of bugs.

Study author, Professor Paul Sharpe, said: ‘The simplicity of our approach makes it ideal as a clinical dental product for the natural treatment of large cavities, by providing both pulp protection and restoring dentine.

‘In addition, using a drug that has already been tested in clinical trials for Alzheimer’s disease provides a real opportunity to get this dental treatment quickly into clinics.’

Experts say because the drug has previously been used in clinical trials to treat Alzheimer’s, it could be fast-tracked into practice.

Have Scientists Found Elixir of Youth To Undo Our Wrinkles?


Have Scientists Found Elixir of Youth To Undo Our Wrinkles? Regenerating fatty cells could mean crow’s feet and creases can be reversed

  • The secret to a line-free complexion could come from within your own cells
  • Crow’s feet and creases reversible with treatment regenerating fatty cells
  • The Technique could also pave the way for the scar-free healing of wounds

Many women spend hundreds of pounds on different lotions and potions in their quest for youthful-looking skin.

But the secret to a line-free complexion could come from within your own cells, according to scientists.

Crow’s feet and creases may be reversible using a treatment to regenerate the fatty cells – which are lost with age – that keep skin looking smooth.

READ: How DO You Live To 100?

Undo Our Wrinkles
Crow’s feet and creases may be reversible using a treatment to regenerate the fatty cells – which are lost with age – that keep skin looking smooth

The technique could also pave the way for the scar-free healing of wounds, the US researchers said.

Fat cells found in skin, called adipocytes, are lost when scars form and as a result of ageing.

Lack of adipocytes is one of the main reasons deep wrinkles become etched on our faces as we get older.

Research on tissue grown in the lab found that hair follicles were crucial in keeping healing skin scar-free and smooth, by releasing a signalling molecule called bone morphogenetic protein, or BMP.

ALSO READNEW Trick To Slow Aging – Have scientists found the ‘fountain of youth’? 

This was found to instruct scar-forming cells called myofibroblasts, often seen in healing wounds, to transform themselves into adipocytes.

And although the research focused on scarring, the discovery, reported in the journal Science, could have much wider implications.

Professor George Cotsarelis, of the University of Pennsylvania, explained: ‘Our findings can potentially move us toward a new strategy to regenerate adipocytes in wrinkled skin, which could lead us to new anti-ageing treatments. Essentially, we can manipulate wound healing so that it leads to skin regeneration rather than scarring.

elixir of youth to undo our wrinkles
The secret to a line-free complexion could come from within your own cells, according to scientists


‘The secret is to regenerate hair follicles first. After that, the fat will regenerate in response to the signals from those follicles.’

Adipocyte loss is a natural part of ageing, but can also be a complication of certain medical conditions, such as HIV infection. Professor Cotsarelis added: ‘Typically, myofibroblasts were thought to be incapable of becoming a different type of cell.

‘But our work shows we have the ability to influence these cells, and that they can be efficiently converted into adipocytes.’

ALSO READ : Blood cancer breakthrough: New immunotherapy treatment nivolumab approved for use

Tests were conducted on both mouse and human scar-forming tissue, grown under laboratory conditions.

The study’s lead author Dr Maksim Plikus, of the University of California, Irvine, said the discovery will also lead to new treatments to stop scarring after someone sustains an injury.

elixir of youth to undo our wrinkles
Many women spend hundreds of pounds on different lotions and potions in their quest for youthful-looking skin


Meanwhile, Dr Plikus’s laboratory is studying additional aspects of cell reprogramming in skin wounds. Researchers are examining the role of other signalling molecules beyond BMP, as well as conducting further studies using human cells and scar tissue.

The findings show we have a window of opportunity after wounding to influence the tissue to regenerate rather than scar,’ he said. Professor Cotsarelis’s team is now carrying out further research on the mechanisms that promote skin regeneration, especially with respect to hair follicles.

The global anti-ageing market already brings in more than £150billion, with the figure estimated to hit £216billion by 2018.

The desire of millions around the world to combat the signs of skin ageing has never been worth more.

Is Your Workout Not Working? Maybe You’re a Non-Responder


Is Your Workout Not Working? Maybe You’re a Non-Responder


Is Your Workout Non-Responder

Is your workout getting you nowhere?

Research and lived experience indicate that many people who begin a new exercise program see little if any improvement in their health and fitness even after weeks of studiously sticking with their new routine.

Among fitness scientists, these people are known as “nonresponders.” Their bodies simply don’t respond to the exercise they are doing. And once discouraged, they often return to being nonexercisers.

But an inspiring and timely new study suggests that nonresponders to one form of exercise can probably switch to another exercise regimen to which their body will respond. And a simple test you can do at home will help you determine how well your workout is working for you.

One of the first major studies to report the phenomenon of nonresponders appeared in 2001, when researchers parsed data from dozens of previously published studies of running, cycling and other endurance exercise.

ALSO READ: Do Runners Have Better Brains?

The studies showed that, on aggregate, endurance training increased people’s endurance. But when the researchers examined individual outcomes, the variations were staggering. Some people had improved their endurance by as much as 100 percent, while others had actually become less fit, even though they were following the same workout routine.

Age, sex and ethnicity had not mattered, the researchers noted. Young people and old had been outliers, as had women and men, black volunteers and white. Interestingly, nonresponse to endurance training ran in families, the researchers discovered, suggesting that genetics probably plays a significant role in how people’s bodies react to exercise.

Since then, other researchers have found that people can have extremely erratic reactions to weight training regimens, with some packing on power and mass and others losing both.

And a study published last year concentrating on brief bouts of intense interval training concluded that some people barely gained endurance with this type of workout, while others flourished, greatly augmenting their fitness.

These studies, however, were not generally designed to tell us whether someone who failed to benefit from one form of exercise might do well with another.

So for the new experiment, which was published in December in the journal PLOS One, researchers from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, and the University of Ottawa decided to focus intently on whether a nonresponder to one form of exercise could benefit by switching to another.

They began by gathering 21 healthy men and women and determining their VO2 max, a measure of how much oxygen the lungs can deliver to the muscles; heart rates; and other physiological parameters related to aerobic fitness.

Then they had each volunteer complete two very different types of workouts. Each training regimen lasted three weeks, and the researchers waited several months before starting the next regimen, so that volunteers could return to their baseline fitness.

One three-week routine involved typical endurance training: riding a stationary bicycle four times a week for 30 minutes at a moderately strenuous pace.

The second type of exercise revolved around high-intensity intervals. Each volunteer completed eight 20-second intervals of very hard pedaling on a stationary bicycle, with 10 seconds of rest after each bout. The intervals were brutal but brief.

At the end of each three-week session, the researchers again checked each volunteer’s VO2 max and other fitness measures.

As a group, they had gained admirable amounts of fitness from both workouts and to about the same extent.

But individually, the responses varied considerably.

About a third of the people had failed to show much if any improvement in one of the measures of fitness after three weeks of endurance training. Similarly, about a third had not improved their fitness much with interval training. And after each type of workout, some participants were found to be in worse shape.

A majority of the participants, in other words, had failed to respond as expected after one of the workouts.

But, importantly, no one had failed to respond at all. Every man and woman had measurably improved his or her fitness in some way after one of the sessions, if not the other.

Those who had shown little response to endurance training generally showed a robust improvement after the interval sessions, and vice versa.

These data suggest that “there is no one-size-fits-all approach to exercise,” says Brendon Gurd, an associate professor of kinesiology at Queen’s University who oversaw the study. “But it does seem as if there is some size that fits everyone.”

The question is how to determine which form of exercise best fits you.

The answer, Dr. Gurd says, is simple trial and error.

Before beginning a new exercise routine, he says, measure your fitness. You can do this by briskly walking up several flights of stairs or quickly stepping onto and off a box three or four times. Then check your pulse. This is your baseline number.

Now start working out. Walk. Jog. Attend interval training or spin classes.

After about a month, Dr. Gurd says, repeat the stair or step test. Your pulse rate should be slower now. Your workout sessions should also be feeling easier.

ALSO READ:Women: Timing is Everything at The Gym

If not, you may be a nonresponder to your current exercise routine.

In that case, switch things up, Dr. Gurd recommends. If you have primarily been walking, maybe try sprinting up a few flights of stairs and walking back down, which is a simple form of interval training.

Or if you have been exercising with intervals and feeling no fitter, perhaps jog for a month or two.

The message he hopes people will glean from his and other studies of exercise non-responder “is not that you shouldn’t bother exercising because exercise might not help you,” Dr. Gurd says. “It does help everyone, once you find your own best exercise.”

Blocked Beds Blight Mental Health Care


Blocked Beds Blight Mental Health Care

Many mental health patients find their hospital discharge delayed
Many mental health patients find their hospital discharge delayed

Delays in discharging people from hospital are rising more rapidly in mental health trusts than other parts of the NHS in England, a study shows.

NHS England data found a 56% rise in the number of bed days lost to delayed discharge in psychiatric trusts in October 2016 compared to November 2015.

A spokeswoman said the Department of Health was investing £400m over four years to support people in their homes.

“No-one should face unnecessary delays in being discharged,” she said. “The Five Year Forward View for Mental Health will transform services by 2020/21 to make sure urgent improvements are made.”



A delayed discharge occurs when a patient is declared medically well enough to leave hospital but something else hinders their departure.

NHS England says 17,509 bed days were lost in October 2016 in the 24 trusts which particularly specialise in mental health and learning disability care, an increase of nearly 56% on the previous November.

A broader analysis – including trusts that provide community as well as mental health services – shows a 43% increase between the two months.

But experts say mental health patients are further disadvantaged by poor community psychiatric provision and reduction to other support services such as detox, which has had a disproportionate impact on mental health.

Many of the problems are caused by a lack of social care packages available to support people once they leave hospital because of cuts to local authority budgets and rising demand.

Norman Lamb, the Liberal Democrat MP and former care minister, requested the research.

He said: “Its all part of a system under impossible strain. Mental health has suffered much more in terms of financial terms than the rest of the NHS, there’s a discrimination.”


Norman Lamb says there is discrimination against mental health services
Norman Lamb says there is discrimination against mental health services


In 2015, an inquiry ordered by the Royal College of Psychiatrists found that the main reason that some mental health patients were having to travel long distances to get a hospital bed was because of delayed discharges and a lack of community psychiatric provision.

A report last May from the National Audit Office estimated that delayed discharges across England were costing the NHS £820m a year.

A BBC investigation in 2016 found that delayed discharges were also affecting mental health patients in Northern Ireland.

Paul Farmer, chief executive of the mental health charity Mind, said: “When you are hospitalised in a mental health crisis, you are at your most unwell and desperately need the right care at the right time.

“The time after leaving hospital is critical as that is when people are at the greatest risk of taking their own lives. People need the right support to recover and manage their mental health properly and trusts should be planning properly for discharge from the point at which someone goes into hospital.

“These types of problems are symptomatic of mental health historically not being given the attention and funding it deserves – mental health services have been underfunded for decades, at a time of rising demand.”

Do Runners Have Better Brains?


Do Runners Have Better Brains?

Do Runners Have Better Brains

Yet another benefit to exercise, and this time it’s long distance running. A new study from the University of Arizona suggests that connectivity in the brain is better in people who participate in cross country or endurance runs than it is in those who are mostly sedentary. While it would see obvious that there are many benefits of regular exercise, even if it’s not as hard core as running dozens of miles a week, the benefits of cross country running to the brain were a surprise. Brain connectivity refers to how the regions of the brain communicate with each other and how messages are relayed around the brain. The study suggest that runners have better brains.


The team at the University of Arizona researchers used that gold standard of brain research, MRI scans, of two groups. One group was comprised of young adults who regularly engaged in high mile cross country running and their couch potato cohorts who did not exercise at much at all. MRI scans can pick up the the actuall electrical connectivity of the brain and show exactly where connections are being made and networks are forming. One key area that did show up as more functional in the runners was the frontal cortex. This part of the brain is decision central, responsible for planning, choosing actions and reactions and switching between different tasks.

The research was just about the connections made in the brain, the pathways followed and the networks of how the brain processes information. The study did not address whether the increased amount of connectivity was responsible for higher levels of cognition and intelligence, but it was a significant study in that it drew a direct connection to a specific form of exercise and a specific brain function. While there is much research already published about the brain benefits of various kinds of exercise, the link found in this study goes a long way in finding out more about the neurological benefits of exercise.

READ: Women: Timing is Everything at The Gym

The study was a collaboration between UA associate professor Davide Raichlen, a running expert and his colleague Gene Alexander, a psychology professor at the University who studies brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease at the Evelyn F. McKnight Brain Institute at UA. Having both professors involved, on either end of the topics, running and the brain, made the study better designed and likely contributed to the accuracy of the results.

In a press release, Professor Raichlen said, One of the things that drove this collaboration was that there has been a recent proliferation of studies, over the last 15 years, that have shown that physical activity and exercise can have a beneficial impact on the brain, but most of that work has been in older adults. This question of what’s occurring in the brain at younger ages hasn’t really been explored in much depth, and it’s important. Not only are we interested in what’s going on in the brains of young adults, but we know that there are things that you do across your lifespan that can impact what happens as you age, so it’s important to understand what’s happening in the brain at these younger ages.

The two groups of study volunteers were all similar in age (18-25), had similar body mass indices and comparable levels of education. The main difference was their level of activity. The fact that the brain differences were in decision-making and planning—both areas that decline as we age and in dementia patients—was a key finding.  Raichlen and Alexander hope that learning what works in younger adults can point the way to prevention and protection as the population ages. Check out the video for more information on the connection between the brain and long-distance running.

Pregnant Cancer Patient With 50% Chance of Survival Gives Birth to Healthy QUADRUPLETS


Pregnant Cancer Patient With 50% Chance of Survival Gives Birth to Healthy QUADRUPLETS

  • Kayla Gaytan, 29, was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in January 2016
  • It was just a week after she got married to soldier Sgt Charles Gaytan
  • She was given the all-clear in June 2016 but told she couldn’t have more kids
  • A month later the Tennessee-based mom-of-2 naturally conceived quadruplets
  • But at 30 weeks her cancer came back, she now has 50% chance of living 5 years
  • She had an immediate c-section to save the 2 girls and 2 boys
  • Victoria,  Lillian, Charles and Michael, each between 2lbs and 3lbs, are healthy
  • Now Kayla is undergoing 16 months of chemo and stem cell transplant

A pregnant cancer patient with 50 percent chance of survival has delivered quadruplets.
Kayla Gaytan, 29, was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, cancer of the blood, a week after getting married to her sweetheart Sgt Charles Gaytan in January 2016.
After five months of chemotherapy the mother-of-two was given the all-clear but told she would probably not be able to have more children.

READ: How DO you live to 100?

Then, a month later, found out she was pregnant – with naturally-conceived quadruplets.

It seemed to be the perfect news for the family, who live near Fort Campbell army base in Tennessee where Charles is a soldier.
But 30 weeks into the pregnancy Kayla started to notice the same breathlessness she had experienced before.
As she suspected, a biopsy confirmed her cancer had come back. This time, her doctor gave her a 50 percent chance of living five years.
It meant Kayla needed an immediate cesarean section – to save the babies and begin her own life-saving treatment.
And so, on December 30, Victoria, Lillian, Charles and Michael were born at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, each weighing between 2lbs 8oz and 3lbs 2oz.


cancer mother gave birth to quadruplet

It was exciting. It was nerve-wracking. But to see them when they all came out and to hear them crying, that was really exciting,’ Kayla, who already has two children Ethan and Harper told WKRN.

‘I just kept trying to tell myself that I could do it.’
‘My original goal to make was 34 weeks because I figured if I could beat cancer, surely I could make it to 34 weeks with quads.

Cancer mother gave birth to quadruplet
Kayla Gaytan, 29, was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, cancer of the blood, a week after getting married to her sweetheart Sgt Charles Gaytan in January 2016. They are pictured here in May 2016, just before she was given the all-clear


The babies are recovering in the NICU, where they will likely remain until mid-February.
By that point, Kayla will have had stem cell treatment and started her next course of chemotherapy, which is expected to last until mid-2018.
It means their incredible joy is tinged with fear.

READ: Why Frequent Dieting Makes You Put On Weight – And What To Do About It 
Hodgkin’s lymphoma is cancer of the B lymphocytes – a type of white blood cell found in the lymphatic system.
Clear fluid called lymph flows through the lymphatic vessels and contains infection-fighting white blood cells known as lymphocytes.

The most common symptom is a painless swelling in a gland, most commonly in the neck, armpit or groin.
In lymphoma, these lymphocytes start to multiply abnormally and begin to collect in certain parts of the lymphatic system, such as the lymph nodes.

cancer mother before she was diagnose
Kayla (pictured before any of her diagnoses in December 2015) will now have stem cell treatment and start her next course of chemotherapy, which is expected to last until mid-2018

The cancer is most common in 15 to 35-year-olds and the over 50s. More men than women are affected.
It is one of the most easily treatable forms of cancer – almost all young people with Hodgkin’s lymphoma will be cured. For older people, the cure rate is about 80 per cent.
But the disease becomes more lethal during relapse.
Some patients, like Kayla, have a return of lymphoma cells in their bone marrow.
It means standard treatment likely won’t be enough.
‘You think you’ve beat it the first time,’ Kayla said.
‘When it comes back, you’re just wondering “why get pregnant with these four babies and then something like this happens?”‘
Charles added: ‘She’d worked really hard to [fight] it the first time, and to come back and have to go through it all again, it breaks my heart.’


Women: Timing is Everything at The Gym


Why Timing Is Everything for Women at the Gym: More muscle is built in the first two weeks of the menstrual cycle than the last two

  • Women might want to time their trips to the gym around their menstrual cycle
  • Finding could prove useful to women hoping to improve results of workouts

Women hoping to get fit in the New Year might want to time their trips to the gym around their menstrual cycle, according to new research.
Scientists found that women who train harder during the first two weeks of their monthly cycle build up more muscle than they do in the last two weeks and this should be combine with a good muscle supplement.
The findings could prove useful to women hoping to improve the results of their workouts according to whether they want to build more muscle to simply shed pounds.


Women at the GYM


It also suggests that professional sportswomen do not necessarily need to worry about their time of the month when competing and can even turn it to their advantage.
The issue was thrown into the spotlight when British tennis number one Heather Watson spoke about how “girl things” had led to her first round defeat at the Australian Open in 2015.
Chinese swimmer Fu Yuanhui also said period pain had affected her performance at the 2016 Olympics.

READWhy Frequent Dieting Makes You Put On Weight – And What To Do About It

But while clearly some women can suffer more pain, dizziness and other symptoms than others, the research from Umeå University in Sweden found training hard at this time can help women improve their performance.
Dr Lisbeth Wikström-Frisén, a lecturer at the university’s sports medicine unit who conducted the research, said: ‘We demonstrated that strength training during the first two weeks of the menstrual cycle – the follicular phase – is beneficial.
‘Better knowledge of the menstrual cycle could lead to more effective training.


time can help women improve their performance.


Dr Wikström-Frisén and her colleagues examined the impact of training at different times in their menstrual cycles on 59 women.

All of the women took part in high frequency leg resistance training for four months. One group trained harder in the first two weeks of their menstrual cycle – when women get their period – while a second group training harder in the second half of their cycle.
A third group trained at the same frequency throughout the four months regardless of their menstrual cycle.
Those who trained earlier in their cycle were then able to jump higher in a series of tests than the other groups of women.
Dr Wikström-Frisén said it is likely that some of the hormones produced during the early half of the menstrual cycle may boost muscle growth.
She said: ‘It is probably due to the potentially anabolic effect of oestrogen.’
It comes after research last year by St Mary’s University and University College London found 41.7 per cent of women believe their menstrual cycle affects their performance in sport.


Women work ouut

The findings could prove useful to women hoping to improve the results of their workouts according to whether they want to build more muscle to simply shed pounds

Hannah Macleod, a member of Great Britain’s Olympic hockey squad revealed last year that coaches had been tracking the menstrual cycles of the team for over a year.
At the time she said: ‘Some players get a bit moody and lose coordination. Exercises can feel a little bit harder and it can change your body temperature.’
Marathon runner Paula Radcliffe said, however, that she refused to let her period impact her performance. She said: ‘It’s one of those things that can become a bigger issue if you let it.’
The topic of periods and sport performance was thrown under the spotlight when Heather Watson complained of feeling ‘very light-headed and low on energy’ when she was defeated by Tsvetana Pironkova at the Australian Open in 2015 and attributed it to ‘girl-things’.
Following her comments former British Tennis player Annabel Croft said it had been a taboo subject in women’s top level sport.
She said: ‘I think women do suffer in silence on this subject.’
But Dr Wikström-Frisén said she now hopes to conduct more research with elite athletes to see how they can use their menstrual cycle to maximise their training.
She said: ‘We need to study different groups of women with different kinds of training goals – elite athletes, during rehabilitation and recreational exercise.’

Why Frequent Dieting Makes You Put On Weight – And What To Do About It


Why Frequent Dieting Makes You Put On Weight – And What To Do About It

Frequent Dieting

Why Frequent Dieting Makes You Put On Weight

Regular dieters seems to lose weight at the initial stage when they take diets to lose weight but will later bounce back and gain weight some time.

And dubbed yo-yo dieting is linked with changes in the body metabolism which make majority of calorie-based diets unsuccessful.

However what actually causes these metabolic changes is still a mystery till date.

And some research in identical twins that are differed in dieting patterns have proven that non-genetic factors are largely responsible.Portable AC review

But do you know that your body does all it can to get back to that new higher set point.

Also new research published in Nature, goes on to explains the reason this happens to some individuals more than others.

And more importantly, how it could be change, repeated dieting generally produces quizlet

Why Frequent Dieting Makes You Put On Weight

And there is also a study, by Israeli group of scientists, imitate human yo-yo dieters in lab mice.
Also, the scientists fed the mice in different cycles by alternating weight gaining and losing diets.
And starting with big, high-fat portions just to fatten the mice up then slimmed them down with a normal diet, light meals, then repeated the regime.
The mice gained weight slowly compared to other mice on steady diets of similar calories and even the one on continuous high-fat diets.
It was observed that mice that bounced back and increased weight regain after dieting only had a lower energy than the one on steady diets but still ate the same quantity of food.

Change in body metabolism usually occurs in yo-yo dieters.

The new study has tried to found out why  by focusing at an organ of the body that have been forgotten.

Everything You Need to Know About the Keto Diet

This organ in the human body weighs nearly the same as the liver which is located in the lower intestines.

And the organ is the microbiome which is the community of microbes that outnumber the body cells they have a hundred-fold more enzymes.

But this genes are capable of digesting food and regulating our immune systems and the body metabolism.

Also, it was discovered that changes to the gut microbes were majorly responsible.

Why Frequent Dieting Makes You Put On Weight

when compared to the normal ones, there a noticeable differences in the gut microbes of the yo-yo dieting mice.

And it includes a reduction in diversity. That is correlated with obesity and also other metabolic problems in our body.

These disordered microbes were transplanted from the weight regainers into the normal mice on normal diets.

And they saw them gain weight which indicated that the altered microbes were mainly responsible.

The scientists could explain how microbes caused weight gain by checking how they digested the plant fibre in their staple diet.

It was observed by the scientists that the altered microbes were under-producing healthy compounds generated from the plants.

And this are called polyphenols (flavonoids) in the gut after dieting.

Polyphenols are important in a healthy gut and the main reason why many brightly-coloured foods are gut friendly.

The taking poyphenols has been associated with better health and less obesity.

The amazing result of this is that, since microbes are involved, the changes post-diet are potentially correctable.

Avoiding The Yo-Yo Dieting Trap

The scientists tried a number of different ways to reduce the weight gain in the mice that are on yo-yo dieting.

They first gave the mice antibiotics that altered the microbes and increased polyphenol levels.

This fix the problem, but isn’t exactly a practical solution for the human body.

They also tried fecal transplants that also worked, these are a bit drastic in human body.

They tried to change some of these specific polyphenols through supplementation in the diet which could reduce the weight gain.

The lessons from the above for humans is that episodic weight loss can be dangerous metabolically, damaging your microbes and making you burn less energy.

The way out is to look after your microbes as you change back onto normal foods after your diet regimen.

Please note that, you need a good healthy plan and dieting foods, feed on plenty of polyphenol.

And fibre-rich foods, as well as the known fruit and veg, include seeds, nuts, olive oil (extra virgin), dark chocolate, coffee.

Also a glass of red wine which is good for a healthy heart. And the repeated cycles of dietingweight loss, and weight regain is often called “yo yo dieting“.

What To Do About It

Here is the real deal, if you actually want to loss weigh long term, the best approach is to avoid crash diets and calorie counting altogether, that are doomed to fail.

And rather eat real variety of food, plenty of fibre, good dieting plans and allow your microbes take care of the rest. 

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Ava Roberts : Ava Roberts Medical Doctor, Youngest Female Black Doctor!


At Only 23, Ava Roberts: Youngest African-American Female Doctor! Ava Roberts Doctor.

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Ava Roberts – World’s Youngest Female Doctor

At Only 23, Ava Roberts:

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Ava Roberts Medical Doctor (23) is now america’s youngest doctor and the youngest first African-American female doctor in the world!

Although word of his accomplishment are however minimal, but French site Pelea reports in their site that “after a gifted childhood.

So, Ava Roberts quickly excelled through medical school and became a force to be reckoned with as the youngest African-American female doctor.” Gold-Labs CBD oil

Ava Roberts Medical Doctor and now the youngest female doctor in USA.

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And this is an amazing young age, when you look at how long doctors go to school!

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for being the youngest African-American female doctor. – dr ava roberts.cbd oil

Also, looking down the memory lane, the first black doctor in history was James McCune Smith.nutrisystem weight loss

And Smith couldn’t go to medical school in New York, so he went to Scotland for his degree and returned home to treat the city’s poor.So, James McCune Smith‘s  degree of 1837 made him the nation’s first professionally trained African-American doctor.effuel economy

And Smith set up a medical practice in lower Manhattan where he became the resident physician at an orphanage.

Also was the first African-American to own and operate a pharmacy in the United States!


But Smith lived and died at a time in America when little recognition was given to the black people achievements.

However, his children refused to promote their father’s legacy and even shunned their African-American heritage.Portable AC review

Also, Smith was very popular that a public school in Harlem was however named after him.

And he was portrayed him in a video produced by the New York Historical Society by Danny Glover.

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And he is also the first African-American doctor to publish scholarly studies in peer-reviewed medical journals.

So, Stauffer have to say this. “He also wrote essays countering theories of black racial inferiority that had currency then. He was a friend and associate of famed abolitionist Frederick Douglass, and he wrote the introduction to Douglass’ “My Bondage and My Freedom.”

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The youngest doctor is an American ophthalmologist, educator, and researcher called Krishna “Bala” Ambati.
And he was born in July 29, 1977 and on May 19, 1995 Balamurali Ambati entered the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s youngest doctor at the age of 17 years just 294 days old.
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The youngest person to graduate from Harvard is Eugenie de Silva who started reading for her PhD at Leicester the age of 15.
And she has become the youngest person to graduate from Harvard University amazing!
Also, She completed her Master’s in Liberal Arts with a concentration in Legal Studies at Harvard University Division of Continuing Education at the age of 16.

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How DO you live to 100?


How DO you live to 100?

9 oldies in Spain’s hub of centenarians give their tips on staying young, fresh, healthy and Live long


  • Spain has more than 100,000 people aged over 100
  • The country has the 2nd highest life expectancy after Japan
  • Here 9 of the country’s centenarians give their advice on staying youthful

With more than 100,000 people aged 100 or over, Spain is the country with the greatest life expectancy after Japan, OECD data and the latest population census shows Spaniard live longer.
Over a year, Reuters photographer Andrea Comas interviewed and photographed Spaniards aged 100 or more across the country from the green-hilled northern region of Asturias to the Balearic island of Menorca.
Average life expectancy at birth in Spain is 83.2, according to the latest OECD statistics made available in 2013, just a shade below the 83.4 years on average a Japanese newborn can expect to live.

Most of the men and women Comas interviewed showed a zest for life and an interest in pastimes from amateur dramatics to playing the piano.


live long to 100


Many also continued to carry out daily duties from farm work to caring for a disabled child.
Pedro Rodriguez, 106, plays the piano every day in the living room of his flat in Asturias, northern Spain, where he lives with his wife who is nearly 20 years younger than him. Their daughters visit them often.
‘The nuns taught me how to play the piano as a child,’ he said after giving a rendition of a Spanish waltz.
The majority of these elderly people were surrounded by family or had loved ones calling in on them daily showing how Spain continues to be a closely-knit society, where family ties are paramount.
Francisco Nunez, 112, is the oldest person Comas interviewed. He lives with his octogenarian daughter in his house in Badajoz, south-western Spain. He says he doesn’t like the pensioners’ daycare center because it’s full of old people.
‘He hasn’t had to leave his home. I’m single and I live here with him,’ says daughter Maria Antonia Nunez, 81, as she adjusts his beret.

When questioned about their most vivid memories, many recall Spain’s 1936 to 1939 civil war which set neighbor against neighbor and resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths followed by the 36-year dictatorship of Francisco Franco.
Pilar Fernandez, 101, suffered hunger and hardship during the war years alongside her nine brothers and sisters. To avoid history repeating itself, she limited herself to one child.
‘From pure fear, I didn’t have any more,’ says the sprightly woman who lives with her daughter’s family in Asturias and tends livestock and a vegetable garden.
Tips for long life ranged from a spoonful of honey a day to regular intake of gazpacho, a traditional cold Spanish soup made from tomatoes and cucumbers.
Gumersindo Cubo, 101, from Avila, puts his longevity down to a childhood spent in a house in the woods with his eight brothers and sisters, where his father was a park ranger.
‘It’s from inhaling the pine resin from the woods where I lived as a child,’ he says, telling of how his mother would put a jar of the resin under the bed of the sick.


With more than 100,000 people aged 100 or over, Spain is the country with the greatest life expectancy after Japan, OECD data and the latest population census shows.
Over a year, Reuters photographer Andrea Comas interviewed and photographed Spaniards aged 100 or more across the country from the green-hilled northern region of Asturias to the Balearic island of Menorca.
Average life expectancy at birth in Spain is 83.2, according to the latest OECD statistics made available in 2013, just a shade below the 83.4 years on average a Japanese newborn can expect to live.

Most of the men and women Comas interviewed showed a zest for life and an interest in pastimes from amateur dramatics to playing the piano.


live long to 100



Pedro Rodriguez, 106, lives in Cangas de Onis, Asturias, in northern Spain.
Rodriguez plays piano every day in the living room of the flat where he lives with his wife who is nearly 20 years younger than him.
Their daughters visit them often.
His hobby is something that he feels has kept him young.
‘The nuns taught me how to play the piano as a child,’ he says after giving a rendition of a Spanish waltz.


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Maria Josefa Guillen, 103, lives in Cazalla de la Sierra, Seville, southern Spain.
Guillen lives with her disabled son.
She started working as a seamstress aged 12 and laughs when she recalls that the first item she had to sew was a ball gown.
Guillen loves gazpacho – a traditional Spanish cold tomato and cucumber soup. It is the soup’s nutritional value that she believes has kept her young.


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Lucia Manzano, 100, lives in a residential home for the elderly in La Adrada, Avila, near Madrid, Spain.
Manzano laughs as she recalls dressing up in the colors of the fallen Second Spanish Republic to taunt visiting authorities in her village during the dictatorship of Francisco Franco.
But through everything, she believes her strength of conviction has kept her alive.
‘The most important thing in life is to stay loyal to yourself,’ she said.

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San Miguel discovered his passion for amateur dramatics at the age of 80 and has participated in many local productions.
He didn’t go to school as a child because he was sent to work as a shepherd.
He enjoys reading books about traditions.
Those hobbies, he said, have kept him vitalized.


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Francisco Nunez, 112, is from Bienvenida, Badajoz, southern Spain.
Nunez lives with his octogenarian daughter.
He says he doesn’t like the pensioners’ daycare center because it’s full of old people.
Despite his old age, he has always maintained a youthful outlook, and that is what has kept him going.


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Gumersindo Cubo, 101, is from Casavieja, Avila, near Madrid.
Cubo puts his longevity down to a childhood spent in a house in the woods with his eight brothers and sisters, where his father was a park ranger.
‘It’s from inhaling the pine resin from the woods where I lived as a child,’ he says, telling of how his mother would put a jar of the resin under the bed of the sick.

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Esperanza Fernandez, 103, is from Salamanca, central Spain.
Fernandez lives with her daughters.
Two of her sisters lived past 100 and another is about to celebrate her 100th birthday.
She remembers when an outbreak of influenza killed nearly half of her village as a child.
Her father shut the family in their house and prevented anyone from entering, saving her life.


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