What Are Peptides in Skin Care Products | For Skin Care


What Are Peptides in Skin Care Products | For Skin Care


Peptide can be great anti-aging ingredients for use in skincare products. But as with all other anti-aging ingredients, they’re not the only ones you need to make your skin appear as young and healthy as you’d like.

Take those seemingly fantastic claims on products with peptides with a grain of salt, and remember that using products with a cocktail of great ingredients (plus daily broad spectrum sun protection) is the best thing you can do for the health and appearance of your skin!

What Are Peptides?

First we need to start with the science: Peptides are fragments of proteins. On their own, they are made up of amino acids. When amino acids are combined in certain formations they create specific peptide (and there are hundreds of peptides), and when peptides are formed in a certain way, they make specific proteins.

Proteins are the fundamental building blocks of skin. Without peptide, skin doesn’t remain intact and the results is loss of firmness, appearance of wrinkles, texture changes, and skin that doesn’t bounce back as it once did.

What’s so fascinating about it is that abundant research has clearly shown they can help revitalize those building blocks and, in turn, help revitalize skin.

Peptides in Skincare

Although there are truly intriguing reasons to consider peptides as a significant part of a skincare formula, the hype around what they can do is often completely blown out of proportion. Peptides are absolutely not the anti-aging magic bullet you’ve been hoping for.

There’s no single solution for all the signs of aging and other skin problems we endure, and peptides are no exception. You would be cheating your skin to think that any peptide is your skin’s solo rescuer.

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What disturbs us the most are the absurd claims about peptides being able to replace the cosmetic procedures doctors perform. This is utter nonsense and simply not possible. However, as we said, what’s exciting about peptides in skincare products is their ability to help revitalize skin’s building blocks so it becomes more resilient. That’s a wonderful asset for skin, but keep your expectations realistic or you will be disappointed.

Peptides Need Friends

What’s most important for you to keep in mind is that as special as peptides are, they aren’t enough to address all the needs of skin. Any skincare formula worthy of your hard earned dollars must include the specialized ingredients we talk about all the time such as antioxidants, skin-replenishing ingredients, and skin-restoring ingredients (which includes peptides). Peptide on their own aren’t capable of doing it all if your goal is to achieve long-lasting smooth, soft, hydrated, radiant, firmer-appearing and younger-looking skin.

One more point: Don’t get seduced by the notion that there’s a best peptide, because there isn’t. There are dozens and dozens of remarkable peptides plus more being discovered (or made in a lab) every day. Just like antioxidants, skin-soothing ingredients, and skin-replenishing ingredients there a dozens of brilliant peptide. When all of these elements are combined in a skincare product to address multiple signs of aging, they can do amazing things—and you’ll see the results!

Copper Peptide: Fact or Fiction

Speaking of a single skincare ingredient being overly-hyped, copper peptide is certainly one of them. The spin begins with the notion that skin’s building blocks are assembled by copper. So, the logic would follow that you must have copper peptide in your skincare products to get that benefit. Although it’s true copper peptide is a skin-restoring ingredient, there are lots of other peptide with equally if not more impressive properties.

To keep it in perspective, although there are studies showing the dramatic positive effects of copper peptide those studies rarely, if ever, compare copper peptide to other peptides or other ingredients like potent antioxidants. It’s important to realize that many ingredients have extraordinary research proving their value for skin, not just copper peptide. That’s the pitfall of getting too wrapped up in one single ingredient. Skincare isn’t that simple!

Ironically there’s also research about copper being potentially toxic to skin. However, this research is mostly about pure copper in the body not as a peptide applied to skin. The negative effects are about what happens when copper is out of balance, meaning too much copper is present.



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